“As a punishment, to Ústí nad Labem!” The Spanish communist exile in Czechoslovakia and collaboration with the State Security as a form of resistance

Contenido principal del artículo

Maroš Timko


This study focuses on the issue of the Spanish communist exile in state socialist Czechoslovakia. It analyzes everyday resistance of a heterodox Spanish emigrant, Pilar Gómez, carried out through her collaboration with the Czechoslovak State Security (StB). This insubordination was oriented against the disciplining at the behest of the leadership of the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) in Prague, which expelled Gómez from the party and ordered her transfer to Ústí nad Labem. Through the analysis of Gómez’s knowledge (re)creation and the reversal of the discourse on Spanish exiles in Czechoslovakia, the author examines existing power relations between a heterodox exile, the direction of the PCE in Czechoslovakia and the Czechoslovak StB. With a focus on the constructive/productive character of Gómez’s resistance, this article underlines the dichotomy within the Spanish communist exile in the Eastern Bloc as well as the everyday problems of political emigrants living under state socialism.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Timko, M. (2024). “As a punishment, to Ústí nad Labem!” The Spanish communist exile in Czechoslovakia and collaboration with the State Security as a form of resistance. Aportes. Revista De Historia Contemporánea, 39(115). Recuperado a partir de https://www.revistaaportes.com/index.php/aportes/article/view/848
Biografía del autor/a

Maroš Timko, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Doctor por la Charles University de Praga en 2022, actualmente es Investigador Postdoctoral en el Instituto de Historia de la Academia Checa de las Ciencias. Su tesis Relaciones hispano-checoslovacas (1918-1977) se centra en el exilio comunista españolo en la Checoslovaquia de posguerra y los exiliados checos y eslovacos en la España de Franco. Su área de estudio son los contactos entre España y Checoslovaquia en el siglo XX, la historia contemporánea de España e Hispanoamérica y la política exterior checoslovaca en la Guerra Fría.